Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Day 6 & 7 - Lab Days (Survey Assignment and Statistical Literacy)

I was away last week for two days because of the Provincial OAME conference. I learned all about how to run an e-conference! Yay! (That's good as I have to help run it next year.... ahem.)

While I was away, attendance was *poor*. However, for the students who were present:

Thursday they worked on their surveys and got them mostly done. Because I was using Google Drive and Google Docs, I was able to make comments and edit them as they came in. Ha! I bet they were not expecting that!!

Friday, students worked on a Statistical Literacy Assignment:

Again, I had poor attendance. The students who were there, the supply teacher told me that they found their articles but did little else. So the next week, we have some lab days to tie up some of these loose ends.

The modification I am making to the above assignment is that instead of presenting to the class, students will be presenting using Explain Everything on the iPads.

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