Monday 1 May 2017

Day 18 - Solving Exponential Equations

And we have reached the last day of Cycle 2! Another cycle that is longer than I expected but when I look at the course expectations, I have covered so much!

We started this by working through the questions without context:

It didn't take too long for students to understand what was going on. We only used "guess and check" because the course does not talk about logarithms. There is a strong benefit to this. I find that if students have done questions like this using guess and check, then their ability to understand and manipulate logarithms later is much better. So I urge you out there to NOT teach logarithms too early!

The first page went surprisingly well. We then moved into context and that also went quite well. I started slowly by breaking down given equations and what each part means. This related to the previous day's work and so students got this quite easily. We then built equations with information and that also went well.

Lastly, we solved full problems:

I worked through the first one with them and they need to complete the second.  I guess I will find out soon whether or not they did! And I am caught up! Whew! That took a few days! Hopefully I will be able to better stay on top of the blog for the rest of the semester. Happy last quarter of the school year everyone!

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