Thursday 9 March 2017

Day 20 - Renting vs. Owning

Today students thought about renting accommodations vs. buying their own place. We started with a think/pair/share:

They did *very* well with this. I did not need to add anything and was in fact surprised at how much they thought of. We are in the country so most of these students do not live in rental housing. From there, we delved a little deeper as a class:

This produced some more good discussion. Again, I was surprised with how much they came up with. We finished off with a little bit of homework:

This was not that challenging for the students. They were able to complete the work before they left for the most part. Since most students are gone tomorrow, this was, for them, the last day before March Break, so given that, it was a great class. Not really "mathy" but good discussions.

Remember to celebrate Pi Day on March 14, and have a good week next week. I will sign off until March 20.

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